Introduction :
- Dermatitis is primary a disease of the broiler over 4 weeks of age but also occurs in replacement pullets up to 18 weeks of age.
- CI septicum and CI. perfringens Type A have been implicated in this disease but in many outbreaks Staphylococcus aureus in also involved.
- There is also a link with IBD and poor management and high stocking rates are predisposing factors.
Clinical findings :
- There is increased mortality in the flock, affected birds die within a few hours and carcass rapidly decompose with a foul odour.
Diagnosis :
- The history, clinical signs and necropsy picture are almost pathognomic.
- Bacterial culture can be misleading since both Staphylococci and Clostridial organisms are present on the skin of normal fowls.
Treatment :
- No treatment has proved completely successful because of the nature of the Iesions and the multifactorial cause.
- Penicillins, tetracycline or bacteracin may be given in the food or drinking water.
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