Introduction :
- Candidiasis is an infection of the crop and to a lesser extent, the mouth, caused by candida albicans.
- Candidiasis yeast is common in gallinaceous birds and outbreaks have been reported in chickens, turkeys, pigeon, fowl and game birds.
- Certain factors like unclean environments, nutritional deficiencies and environmental stressors have been shown to lead to the colonization of tissues with C. albicans.
- Long term antibiotic therapy can also lead to colonization of the crop of poultry by this organism.
- Out breaks of candidiasis can occur in chicks and poultry as early as 1 to 2 weeks of age.
Clinical signs :
- Lethargy, retardation of growth and poor feathering.
- Candidiasis in birds of prey may be manifested in one of two forms there are pseudomembranous patches of necrotic material overlying the mucosa of the tongue, pharynx and crop, and GI infection that creates no visible Iesions in the oral cavity.
Diagnosis :
- The clinical signs, necropsy changes characteristic proliferative but relatively non inflammatory and detection of filamentous yeast with chlamydiospores in affected tissue is indicative of candidiasis.
Treatment :
- Copper sulphate 0.2% solution as drinking water during the course of the outbreak.
- Nystatin 11 to 110 mg / kg feed should significantly reduced the crop lesion and protection against mycotic infection.
- Crop mycosis has also been successfully treated with nystatin 62.5 to 250 mg / liter drinking water with sodium lauryl sulphate 7.8 to 20 mg / liter drinking water for 5 days.
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