Monday, August 8, 2016



Introduction :

  • Dermatitis is primary a disease of the broiler over 4 weeks of age but also occurs in replacement pullets up to 18 weeks of age. 
  • CI septicum and CI. perfringens Type A have been implicated in this disease but in many outbreaks Staphylococcus aureus in also involved. 



Introduction :

  • Candidiasis is an infection of the crop and to a lesser extent, the mouth, caused by candida albicans.
  • Candidiasis yeast is common in gallinaceous birds and outbreaks have been reported in chickens, turkeys, pigeon, fowl and game birds.

Sunday, August 7, 2016



Introduction :

  • Botulism is also called Limbemeck, Alkali duck disease, Western duck sickness.
  • It is a disease of mammals and birds, caused by intoxication due to ingestion of food containing toxin of Cl. botulinum.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Fowl cholera


Introduction :

Fowl cholera is a contagious disease affecting domesticated and wild birds, caused by pasteurella multocida. 
Fowl cholera is a septicemic disease associated with high morbidity and mortality and a characteristic diarrhea.
Most reported outbreaks and disease ave been reported in chickens, turkeys, geese and ducks.

Marek's disease


Introduction : 

  • Marek's disease ia a lymphoproliferative disease of chickens, caused by herpes virus and characterized by a mono-nuclear infiltration of peripheral nerves, gonads, iris, various viscera, muscle and skin.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Duck plague.


Introduction : 

  • Duck plague is an acute contagious viral disease of duck, geese and swans, caused by Herpesvirus (duck virus enteritis).
  • Differences in virulence among DEV strains have been noted but all appear immunologically identical.
  • Naturally occurring infection has been occurred in ages ranges from 7-day old ducklings to mature breeder ducks.

Ranikhet disease


Introduction :

  • Ranikhet disease, also known in the West as Newcastle disease. Newcastle disease is an infectious several virus disease of birds, caused by Paramyxovirus 1 and characterized by characteristic respiratory, alimentary and nervous signs.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Avian pox


Introduction :

Avian pox is a slow spreading common virus disease for birds, characterized by mainly two forms 1. mild form and 2. Severe form. It has a worldwide distribution ans has been described in more than 60 species of birds representing some 20 families, as will as in caged birds.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Fowl Typhoid


Introduction : 

Fowl typhoid is a septicemic acute or chronic disease of domesticated birds, caused by Salmonella gallinarum. The disease is worldwide distributed and natural outbreaks occur in chickens, turkeys, guinea fowl, peafowl, duckling and game birds such as quail, grouse and pheasant. Both vertical and horizontal transmission occur and the disease differs from other avian salmonella infections in that clinical disease is usually seen in growers or adult birds although chicks can be affected.

Pullorum Disease of Fowl.



Pullorum disease is an important bacterial disease of fowl, caused by Salmonella pullinarum. The disease is most commonly spread by true egg transmission. While all avian can be infected with Salmonella pullinarum, reports of clinical disease in species other than chickens, turkeys and pheasants are rare. It usually occurs in an acute systemic form in chicks and poults but in adults is most often localized and chronic.